Basil Smash (2023)from: kimballsource: hereALL (0) >>INVENTORY<<


  • 1.5 oz Murrell's Row Tulsi Gin

  • 0.5 oz Genovese Basil Syrup*

  • 0.5 oz Boomsma Cloosterbitter

  • 0.75 oz Lemon

  • 1 tsp Basil Extract

  • 10 drops salt solution

  • Regal Shake (Shake with a lemon peel)

Genovese Basil Syrup

  • 100g Basil
  • 1000g Frigidly cold ice water
  • Blanch and basil leaves for exactly 5 seconds (they are fragile) and immediately shock in an ice water bath.
  • Blend with super cold ice water for 15 seconds. Strain and weigh liquid.
  • Add equal parts sugar and blend until dissolved.

Basil Extract

  • 100g basil
  • 500g 190 proof grain alcohol
  • Sous Vide @ 140F for 2 hours. Place into an ice bath to cool and then strain/squeeze to get all the liquid out.